Book Review: “The Shining Company” by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Shining Company is a book that really captures a lot of the reasons I love Rosemary Sutcliff’s storytelling; it is an opportunity to experience long forgotten moments in history with ordinary people in a way not quickly forgotten.

Book Review: “The False Prince” by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The current project I’m working on is titled ‘The False Princess’, so when I saw The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen pop up on my feed in Audible, I had to check it out. Firstly, to make sure I wasn’t copying plot, and secondly, because I was intrigued.

Book Review: “She-Wolves” by Helen Castor
I have been a fan of Nancy Goldstone’s work for a while, her histories are always as fun as they are informative, in part because of the subjects she chooses, and Joanna I is no exception.

Book Review: “Not Just Jane” by Shelley Dewees
I have been a fan of Nancy Goldstone’s work for a while, her histories are always as fun as they are informative, in part because of the subjects she chooses, and Joanna I is no exception.

Book Review: “The Lady Queen” by Nancy Goldstone
I have been a fan of Nancy Goldstone’s work for a while, her histories are always as fun as they are informative, in part because of the subjects she chooses, and Joanna I is no exception.

Book Review: ‘Little Thieves’ by Margaret Owens
I like heist books. I loved Six of Crows, and The Queen’s Thief series remains one of my favorite reads of all time, so when my editor recommended, I read Little Thieves by Margaret Owens as research for one of my books, I was immediately intrigued, and the book did not disappoint.

Book Review: Secret History of the Mongol Queens by Jack Weatherford
This is one of those books with a title that fascinated me the moment I saw it: Mongol Queens and Secret History, Yes Please! The Mongol Era has been a weak point in my history once you get past Genghis Khan, so I was excited to learn more. Plus, I’m always interested to read more about women’s role in power and politics through history because they typically wield ‘soft’ power that isn’t all about armies and lopping people’s heads off.
Ylmi's Saga Update
Linear Progress is a Lie
And why you should expect, and enjoy, setbacks